Using AI for videos in languages other than english

Recent improvements in AI can significantly improve our ability to communicate across language barriers. It now provides not just the ability to speed up translations of the written word, the information can also be made available in audio and video format. This makes it a lot easier to revise content and ensure that everyone is getting the right information at the right time.

Here's a demo of an AI at Wehealth providing recommendations to someone who has just reported testing positive. You can learn more about how this fits in with the overall Wehealth Platform for public health.


Wehealth now also alerts on CDC Respiratory Illness Activity levels

Wehealth now also alerts on CDC Respiratory Illness Activity levels

Wehealth's mission is to build digital infrastructure to enhance global preparedness and resilience. Providing enhanced alerts from verified sources...

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Customize Excessive Heat alerts delivered to your county

Customize Excessive Heat alerts delivered to your county

Wehealth Notify is a free app for the public. Built with CDC funding and in partnership with National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) /...

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Launching updated Wehealth Public Dashboard

Launching updated Wehealth Public Dashboard

We are excited to announce the release of the updated Wehealth Public Dashboard that shows a more comprehensive picture of the alerts being delivered...

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